Recently found a pic of our very first vinyl cutting lathe! It was so cool. And HEAVY, LOL! It cracks me up when I see articles in the local “ragazines” talking about how people are just
Recently found a pic of our very first vinyl cutting lathe! It was so cool. And HEAVY, LOL! It cracks me up when I see articles in the local “ragazines” talking about how people are just
Post Pro is doing another Free Recording Saturday this month on January 26th, 2013 beginning at 12pm. This session will be for Bluegrass / Americana type performers. We already have quite a few performers signed up so get your information in quick. Same format as last time with each group getting about 45 minutes of performing time. Send your info to the studio as soon as possible in order to be considered.
Continue Reading ?I know this is going to sound strange, but we have brought back our real-time cassette duplication system. Yes, I said CASSETTES! Believe it or not, there has been a few clients asking for cassettes. So now we can truly say we offer more types of duplication services than anyone else in the Triangle.
So come to Post Pro for all of your CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, VHS & CASSETTE duplication needs!
Continue Reading ?I had forgotten I tracked this session at Post Pro about a year ago. Basically this is just a live mix and I don’t
Here’s a hint on the guitar tone… It ain’t one mic and it
You know when you’re at the end of the day on a session you sometimes get a bizarre burst of energy and say, “Hey, let’s do something fast and crazy!” Well this is it… 🙂
Teresa knocked out a version of “Believe Me” and we threw a few crazy things at it and did the down & dirty mix and
Here’s the
Here’s one you might have to get the kids to leave
Here is a third song from singer / songwriter Bradley Edge. Enjoy!!!
Continue Reading ?Here’s another song from Bradley Edge