When good things happen it makes for a good day. Old clients have been stopping by this week to check out the new facility. Here is some of their comments:
“I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the quality service you have given our band program. Throughout the past ten years, we contracted you to record our concert programs and provide a compilation CD at the end of each year featuring our best-performed selections. Toward this end, you have delivered dependable, high quality service at a reasonable price. This project has motivated our students to perform at a higher level and has also served as a valuable educational tool, providing the opportunity for students and staff to reflect on the quality of our performances. Needless-to-say, the recordings have become invaluable keepsakes for our band program, families, and Athens Drive community. We look forward to many more productive years together!”
Dr. Jerry Markoch – Athens Drive High School Band
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